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Monday, September 17, 2007

Stealing or Winning?

Sunday is all about resting, talking with my family members, watching DVD, playing with my nephew and sometimes, listening to music. What amazed me yesterday while lying in my own bed was that the text message of my long lost friend- Chris.

“Hi Honey. Kumusta? (“How are you?”) If you don’t mind, please help me how to win a mate’s girlfriend. I really like her and I don’t care if you call me traitor or what. But I think I’m in love with that girl. Friend, please give me some tips.”

Cases like this is very common, right? But my BIG question is- “Do you have any conscience? Can you win someone who’s your friend girlfriend/boyfriend?” Come to think of it.

Instead of winning someone who’s in a relationship, why not find someone who’s available and flirt with him or her. Yes, flirting. It’s another way of meeting potential mates and see if you’re compatible. Well, I could give you at least 8 flirting tips for now. Check this out guys!

For Women:
Remember these girls! Men are not used to women flirting with them. They would just love it IF woman would talk to them first or at least express a larger clue that you were interested in checking them out.

Tip #1: Eye contact
Remember that the first contact made with a potentially interesting person is eye contact. It’s a way of sneaking in communication that has no words. In order for that eye contact to have desired impact, it must be delivered well, with good intentions and respect.

Tip #2: Treat men gently
Now, if someone you are not interested in approaches you and flirts, too… just be nice. All other men are watching to see what you do. It’s a BIG turn off also when you laugh after he leaves or you show visual disapproval. Why? You’re cutting your chances on anyone else approaching you.

Tip #3: Smile
Give a guy a look. It could be all over from head to toe- and flash him your most winning smile.

Tip #4: Be approachable
Nobody likes an ice-queen. Force yourself to let your guard down and you’ll make yourself more approachable.

For men:
Remember these boys! To truly make your understanding with a woman successful, you need to recognize when she’s flirting with you. Women are masters of subtlety, so it’s your job to remain aware of every gesture, word, and every move she throws your way. Be attentive!

Tip #1: When a woman smiles at you
The smile is the last sign of openness and friendliness, provided that it’s genuine. If a woman shows her teeth and has that sparkle in her eye, then you can assume that she’s enjoying your company. Your only job is to keep her smiling by smiling back.

Tip #2: When a woman goes out of her way to get you to notice her
Why else would she be taking the long way? If a woman walks by your table on her way to washroom in a food shop/ coffee shop, but your table is located at the opposite of where she should go, then she’s probably interested. In addition to that, if she smiles at you on her way, then consider you job half done.

Tip #3: When a woman initiates a conversation
Taking the first step to initiate a connection with you is a sign that she’s interested. And when she tells you something like “ You remind me of someone I know,” which begs a response and successive talking, that’s a concrete sign.

Tip #4: When a woman pays you a compliment
If she throws one your way, you can pat yourself on the back. It implies that she’s attracted to you.

HAVE FUN! Flirting is a way of connecting from the heart and acknowledging someone। Be generous and keep smiling!

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