Love Dive

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Magic of Love Spell: Love Mantra

Now, who among you tried this spell? Effective?

This is a very old and tested love spell. It is definitely to work for you also. For this spell take a piece of paper and write the sentence �XX loves XX�. For example your name is Tom and her name is Rosy. So you write �Tom loves Rosy�. Now we reverse this sentence completely letter by letter. So it will be �ysor sevol mot�. After this take a green pen and on a fresh piece of paper write the reversed sentence without any space; �ysorsevolmot�. Carry this paper with you for some days and seven times in the day read it aloud saying each letter individually like Y S O R S�.

Last but not the least when he or she falls in love with you, throw this paper in a lake or river.

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