Love Dive

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Love Tips from Lovedive

Pick a number
This romantic tip is real fun and truly gives the meaning of love. Tell your sweetheart to pick a number between 1-50 and then shower him/her with that number of kisses.

Compliments go a long way. So pick up a thesaurus and describe your lover with the words that truly bring out the best in him/her. Use words like beautiful, handsome, angelic, divine, sublime, alluring, bewitching, stunning, gorgeous, exquisite, marvelous, magnificent, charming, enticing, fabulous etc. This is a great romance tip that works just perfect for both the sexes.

Short and Sweet
Fill some romance into your world with just tiny gestures to spark the magic of love. If you guys are living together, then scribble small messages and leave them in different places. Like if you leave for work earlier than your hubby then write a romantic message with soap on the bathroom mirror. It will be a great way to start your day.

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Friends vs Girlfriend: Relationship

One of the most challenging aspects of being in a relationship is figuring out how to balance your friends and girlfriend. Hard to balance and if you can’t handle the situation for there might lot of consequences, right? If you ignore your girlfriend one too many times, you'll be single before you know it, but your friends won't remain friends with you for very long if you constantly flake out on them.

Eventually, learning how to balance your friends and girlfriend is about time management and respect. The people who care about you deserve your time… the key is sorting out how to divide that time fairly between the important people in your life.



Plan time with each
Your friends have always just called you up when they're in the mood to go out. Meanwhile, your girlfriend has started assuming that you'll be spending every weekend together. The problem is that both parties assume that you can just drop everything and hang out with them. In an effort to balance your friends and girlfriend, a little planning goes a long way… scheduling will you help you make the most of your time.

Respect sacred occasions
As you try to balance your friends and girlfriend, it's essential to acknowledge that some events are sacred -- some things you absolutely cannot ditch out on. For example, you pretty well have to spend New Year's with your girlfriend, even if your buddies are planning a kick-ass road trip to New York City while all she wants to do is attend a party at her BFF's. Similarly, you can't -- under any circumstances --- let your girlfriend talk you into blowing off sacred guy time, like your fantasy football draft or your annual camping trip. Recognize that some things are sacred and you'll be more likely to balance your friends and girlfriend.

Turn her into a wing-woman
One way to balance your friends and your girlfriend is to plan outings with both parties. For example, try taking your girlfriend with you when you go out to the club with the guys. Turning her into a wingwoman can be a great opportunity for friend-girlfriend bonding. Your girlfriend can actually be an asset for your friends in the pickup game. Single girls will feel more comfortable talking to your male friends if there's a woman in your group. Also, the sight of your friends talking comfortably with your cute girlfriend is sure to trigger a single girl's competitive nature.

Your girlfriend will enjoy these outings too because women can't resist playing matchmaker. She'll also be happy to lend a hand to your boys because, generally, girlfriends want your male friends to find girlfriends. When your friends start pairing up with girls, they're less threatening to her as you can start doing things like double-dates (instead of having them steal you away to prowl for women). Turning her into a wingwoman is a win-win situation.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Casino Poem

You were heavy in your chair
One hand rubbed the green felt of the table
As if it were the breast on the sinewy body of yearning

I watched your tan lips envelop the soft bliss of your second to last cigarette
The light brown sugar of your skin was impervious to the piercing flashy lights
But blue and white shown from your somber eyes

Each delicious chip were like the pennies we would throw in shopping mall fountains
Wishes and dreams waiting to be scooped up
The waitress in the vexatious black dress faithfully brought you whiskey sours
Numbing and erasing all that continued to spiral

I wanted to grab your hands and smell the bills and smoke
Then force them on my waist
I would have led you through the ravenous creatures, the deceitful ringing
Lights that leave the eyes arid and the soul broke

Elegant carpeting, signs that lie
Couldn't have enveloped you and pulled you back to anguish
Through the revolving doors the ocean mist would have cleansed
The buildings were vibrant but they weren't bigger than us

We would have kept walking to the sand
Just ahead of where the ocean stops
You would lay with me
So I could rub sand up your arms

Consume the wetness of night
And the dryness of your torment
Playing casinos or casino poker is still the best!

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

When Life Gets So Hard

I wanted to find some words on a card.
That would help to get thru' it when life gets so hard.

It seems you can't bear it, perhaps can't go on
When deep in the heart there's no trace of a song.

Some words that would comfort when late in the night
The trials return and you're too tired to fight.

Or the tears flow so often it seems you'll run dry.
And life gets so tough that you just want to die.

Or at least go and hide where you're safe from all pain.
Someplace you can rest 'til you find joy again.

What are the words you so need to hear
That will help and will heal and remove all the fear?

That builds up inside 'til you think you'll explode
What are the words that will lighten the load?

If only I knew the right words to say.
To encourage and bless you or comfort some way.

I know not the words but this I can do.
I shall offer up prayers to the Father for you.

Sometimes, in life when you really need someone to comfort you because you're too confuse of something else but nobody is there... all you have to do is to PRAY.
Sometimes, when someone is there to comfort you- the more confuse you're are!... all you have to do is to LISTEN to your heart!
Sometimes, going somewhere cannot help you to think... all you have to do is to FIND other ways and other things that you think it will help you go on.

So, no matter what happens in life always remember three things... PRAY, LISTEN and FIND! And HOPE and FAITH will follow! Have a good and happy life!
